Last NEOCP objects for station B37 in reverse order.

Created at 2025-02-10 05:33:24 UTC. This site will be recalculated about each 3 hours. Only objects with a MPEC are all complete in this list. Other objects are only in this list, if my crawler works fine (most time). Unfortunately there are sometime several day(s) lost, when my machine needs service. Designation links to objects works mostly not on recent comets. Also the data for asteroids, are only uptodate, when the MPEC has just been published.

This list is only for the last months, not for all time. The order and the data are from NEOCP archive and the NEOCP list.

Explanations: NEOCP is the NEOCP identification. Designation is provisional object ID, mostly a provisional designation. But it can also be a message (mostly 'in observing'), a comet or another NEOCP ID. Link goes to the MPC database. MPEC is the MPEC for this object (if existent) and link is to this MPEC. Publication is the time for identifaction in UT. MOID is the MOID for this object (if given) in AU. Dat 1st obs is the time of the first observation of this station B37. R.A, Dec, Mag and Moltion are the same for this date. Obs stat is the number of observations for this object by this station B37. Stats is the number of all involved stations for this object. Obs total is the number nof all observations for this object. Obs part is the percentage of station observation to all observations. res is the mean residual (in arc sec) for this station B37. |res| is the mean absolute residual (in arc secs) for this station B37. max res is the maximum residual (in arc secs) for this station B37 (outlier alarm).

You can download (test mode) a CSV file with all data in the table below (slightly other formatted).

Notice: Sometimes the MPC links the latest NEOCP ID not to a MPEC. This can need some hours, so you will see the link as soon, as it will be published in the html code of the MPC page.

NEOCP objects for station B37
NEOCPDesignationMPECPublicationMOIDDate 1st obs B37R.A.DecMagMotion
res|res|max res
C43XVK12024 XC2024-X026Dec. 1.960.00412024-12-01.8400504:00:07+15:30:3918.711,97616709%0,020,380,58
P220Utv2024 UD2024-U024Oct. 20.770.00462024-10-19.8070600:41:22+08:22:2020.22,08662921%0,130,611,12
A10hXed2019 VU52019-W003Nov. 17.030.00672019-11-15.8256801:00:01+35:55:2417.738,62694015%0,210,490,76
A107IQ9Comet C/2018 O12018-Q022Aug. 17.092018-07-23.8649520:44:45+24:41:4918.96,0717483165%   
A107GhH2018 OL 2018-O026July 19.070.01122018-07-18.9634221:34:31-01:18:1718.021,85314526%0,530,570,71
P20IweM2018 OB 2018-O020July 17.990.03792018-07-17.0399920:23:24-06:08:3718.88,29313417%0,400,570,73
S5114522018 NV 2018-N031July 9.100.02012018-07-08.8520216:14:48-02:09:4216.420,248191197%0,400,400,71

Jost Jahn, Amrum, Germany, Made with 'previousneo' program. This research has made use of data and/or services provided by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center.